For those who may not know it...I am a transplant to the south. It's true. I am a northern girl by birth. I lived the first eight years of my childhood in Kenosha, Wisconsin. My memories of winter are filled with snow! We lived right off of Lake not just snow; lake effect snow, and lots of it. To this day winter always makes me wish for just a little bit of snow, but this week. It rained...and it rained, and rained...and it rained. For five days straight I wore rain boots and sloshed through cold wet puddles every time I went anywhere. It was miserable. All of my winter decor seemed to mock me...

But then, on Thursday, after a morning filled with more rain...something beautiful happened.
It started snowing! I know my northern friends are laughing at me as they read this...but after years of snow days and sledding and hot just miss it every once in a while! It has been a few years since we had more than a dusting here where we live. I was thrilled when the flakes started pouring!

And they just kept falling! I bundled Savannah up when it was still coming down and took her out for her first time to play in the snow at her own house. She absolutely loved it. (Landon was not as excited.)
We caught snowflakes on our tongues, took a long walk making tracks in the fresh snow, and even got to do a little sledding later that night! I loved it. One of the things I love about snow is that it always reminds me of fresh starts. Some of you may be reading this and thinking that you haven't heard from me much at all this year and here I am blogging about snow... Sometimes life gets busy and we get buried beneath a list of things to do and that is kind of what happened to my blog this year. It got pushed to the bottom of a long list. However, one of my favorite things about a new year is that it always feels like a clean slate, a fresh start... you know, like snow.

I know I won't be able to do it as frequently as I want, but I do hope to update my blog more in 2013. This snow fall was just a good motivator and reminder for me.

So here's to new projects, new memories, new dreams, and a new fresh as the fallen snow.
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