Saturday, May 28, 2011

Watermelon Days

May is nearly over (Wow!)...that means school is out and summer is near. This marks the beginning of wonderfully long days. Watermelon days. You know the, sunny, blue skies, pool time, and backyard barbecues. On these days there isn't much that tastes better than a nice cold piece of fresh watermelon.

On these days we pull out the pool and splash to our hearts content. After all, there's no easier way to clean up stick watermelon hands and faces!

On these days everybody hangs out on the deck . Even our dog, Sadie (who is hoping a piece of watermelon might be dropped, but if not she will be happy to lick up the sweet drips on the deck.)

And on these days we don't worry quite as much about schedules or routines. We take life at a slower pace. Don't we all need days like that! I may not be in school anymore but being married to a teacher I still mark my calendar by school days so, to me, it feels like summer has arrived and I look forward to many more watermelon days.

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