Thursday, August 11, 2011

Friends and Dreams...

I very rarely start a post and find that words don't come... However when I sat down to try to put my thoughts together for this post I went completely blank. It isn't because I don't have much to say about these photos, but more because they speak for themselves. It may also be because I am going to share something in this post that I have been thinking but haven't actually said out loud to many people and I'm a bit nervous... I am posting just a couple shots from our session here, and several (including couples shots) on my photography page (Stories From Behind My Lense.) These pictures were taken in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina last week and the beautiful subjects are my sister's friends but truly they are more like family. They have a bond that they are so blessed to share...and they know this! They laugh together, encourage each other, hang out and act silly together, pray for each other... It was my privilege to take these pictures! The other thing on my mind is that this session (and the few others that I have had recently) have prompted me to consider taking my photography to a more professional level. I am dreaming of pursuing more training, designing a website, and marketing myself just a bit. I would appreciate your prayers as I decide if this is the right step to take, and I would love to hear from you. I welcome any thoughts, comments, or advice! 


  1. I definitely think you have a gift! I love looking at your pictures. Just get your clients in Knoxville so you don't steal all my business ;)
