Thursday, April 21, 2011

Something worth remembering...

I have always enjoyed journaling and writing. I have thought so many times about beginning a blog, but I have to admit that as a stay-at-home mom of two who also works two part-time jobs...I'm a bit pressed for time. Still, as my children grow up they say and do things that I want to remember. After all, memories are priceless because they are one of the few things we can treasure our whole life long! Life it too short not to stop and take notice. Moments fly by like dandelion dust...This is the primary reason for this blog. To share my joys and yes, trials, on this journey called motherhood (Trust me, there will be plenty of trials because my kids are crazy! But there will be plenty of joys because they FILL my life with it.) and to help me remember them always. I am sure that I will share whatever else comes to my mind and I hope that you will enjoy reading and sharing my journey.

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